Planeta Singli 2 (2018)
120 minuten | FSK ab 12

Planeta Singli 2
Planeta Singli 2
Kinostart: 09.11.2018 (Weltpremiere)
Regie: Sam Akina
Drehbuch: Sam Akina, Jules Jones
Darsteller: Agnieszka Wiedlocha, Maciej Stuhr, Danuta Stenka, Piotr Glowacki
Drehort: Polen

Inhaltsangabe - Planeta Singli 2

The relationship between Anna and Tomej is experiencing a considerable crisis. He, the showman-BN'er, does not intend to settle down at all. On the other hand, she wants it very much. Meanwhile, the millionaire Aleksander, owner of the dating website is greatly impressed by Anna and is convinced that nobody will be better suited to him than Anna. Polnische OV mit englischen Untertiteln

Videos - Trailers

Filme mit Darsteller
Agnieszka Wiedlocha | Maciej Stuhr | D. Stenka | Piotr Glowacki
Gotowi na wszystko. Exterminator
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Planeta singli
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